Play Therapy - training in play therapy

My passion is the therapy of young children and the development of their potential by creating conditions in which they learn about their own abilities, build self-esteem, and find the answer to the most important question in their lives: Who am I?
I am a psychologist, sensory integration therapist and Play & Creative Arts Therapies therapist, supervisor and trainer. I approach children's therapy holistically, taking into account their mental, emotional and physical needs, and the environment in which they live. My particular interest is in the use of play in children's therapy.

What is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is a structured, theoretical approach to therapy, based on the child's learning and communication processes. The method uses children's primary activity, which is playing. In it, the therapist takes an active role, as by emotionally tuning in to the child, he or she gives the child the opportunity to express himself or herself through play. During therapy, the child has the opportunity to exist and be himself, thanks to the therapist's unconditional acceptance.
The therapist uses Play Therapy to help the child express what is problematic for the child, especially when the child does not have the verbal skills to express their thoughts and feelings. Through Play Therapy, the therapist can help the child learn more adaptive behaviour in situations where the child presents emotional or social deficits.
The positive relationship that develops between therapist and child during Play Therapy sessions provides the corrective emotional experiences that are essential for healing. Play Therapy can also be used to stimulate cognitive development, in addition, it provides insight into the child's dysfunctional ways of thinking and their internal conflicts, providing the child with many possible ways to resolve them.